Strategic Plan
Pillar I (Student Success - Undergraduate)
Produce multilingual undergraduate students whose knowledge of Hispanic and/or Lusophone language, literatures and cultures prepares them to be competent global citizens.
Strategy 1
Enhance the curriculum and opportunities for Spanish and Portuguese majors and minors.
Strategy 2
Improve undergraduate student progression through the Spanish and Portuguese major and minor.
Pillar II (Student Success - Graduate)
Prepare MA, MFA and PhD students for the creation and application of knowledge, for multiple career paths, and for collaborative research engagement in a global society.
Strategy 1
Continue to evolve our graduate programs.
Strategy 2
Support the graduate student experience.
Pillar III (Research and Creative Activity)
Enhance the department’s profile through research and creative writing excellence and impact.
Strategy 1
Achieve optimal faculty balance and improve faculty time in rank.
Strategy 2
Increase faculty research/creative work time.
Strategy 3
Enhance the department’s research culture in collaboration with DWLLC and other units our faculty contribute to.
Pillar IV (Engagement and Outreach)
Strengthen departmental engagement and outreach.
Strategy 1
Expand the visibility of S&P on campus and across Iowa.
Strategy 2
Expand engagement activities.
Strategy 3
Build a community of S&P alumni and donors.