The Department of Spanish & Portuguese is a research-oriented unit made up of multidisciplinary faculty who specialize in language, literary and cultural studies, creative writing, linguistics, and Spanish for the professions. We provide students with cultural perspectives, critical thinking skills, and awareness of contemporary and historical issues to prepare them to be multilingual global citizens. 

We aspire to become a national leader in Spanish and Portuguese. We strive to generate and disseminate knowledge and understanding about the languages, literatures and cultures of Hispanic and Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) peoples within the framework of an engaged Liberal Arts education aimed at a lifetime of learning and fostering greater understanding between peoples.

Strategic Plan

Pillar I (Student Success - Undergraduate)


Produce multilingual undergraduate students whose knowledge of Hispanic and/or Lusophone language, literatures and cultures prepares them to be competent global citizens.

Strategy 1

Enhance the curriculum and opportunities for Spanish and Portuguese majors and minors.

Strategy 2

Improve undergraduate student progression through the Spanish and Portuguese major and minor.

Pillar II (Student Success - Graduate)


Prepare MA, MFA and PhD students for the creation and application of knowledge, for multiple career paths, and for collaborative research engagement in a global society.

Strategy 1

Continue to evolve our graduate programs.

Strategy 2

Support the graduate student experience.

Pillar III (Research and Creative Activity)


Enhance the department’s profile through research and creative writing excellence and impact.

Strategy 1

Achieve optimal faculty balance and improve faculty time in rank.

Strategy 2

Increase faculty research/creative work time.

Strategy 3

Enhance the department’s research culture in collaboration with DWLLC and other units our faculty contribute to.

Pillar IV (Engagement and Outreach)


Strengthen departmental engagement and outreach.

Strategy 1

Expand the visibility of S&P on campus and across Iowa.

Strategy 2

Expand engagement activities.

Strategy 3

Build a community of S&P alumni and donors.