Becky Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Honors Advisor
Director, Multilingual Syntax Lab

Dr. Gonzalez is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Spanish and Portuguese and Linguistics. She is the Director of the Multilingual Syntax Lab, a full member of the DeLTA Center, and serves as faculty for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate on the Cognitive Science of Language. She is currently the Departmental Advisor for Honors in Spanish and Portuguese.


Dr. Gonzalez is a formal linguist whose research program centers on the acquisition of syntax (and its interfaces) in adult multilinguals, encompassing diverse populations such as sequential, simultaneous, and heritage bilinguals and third language learners. Her work combines theoretical and experimental approaches to consider linguistic and non-linguistic (e.g., language proficiency, dominance) factors that influence language behavior and outcomes. Her recent work has addressed the role of lexical semantics in argument structure as well as the nature of formal features and the role they play in the acquisition process.

Recent Publications

  • Gonzalez, B. (2024, Online-first). The role of the lexicon. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
  • Gonzalez, B. (2023). A lexical semantic approach to the L2 acquisition of Spanish psych verbs. Second Language Research, 39 (3), 731-758. 
  • Gonzalez, B. (2023). Syntactic licensing in heritage Spanish: psych verbs and the middle voice. International Journal of Bilingualism, 27(5), 776-794.

Courses Taught

  • PORT:3105 - Linguistic Aspects of the Lusophone World
  • SPAN:2030 - Study of Language: Myths and Concepts
  • SPAN:3100 - Structures of Spanish: Words & Sentences
  • SPAN:3195 - Spanish Linguistics Lab I
  • SPAN:4150 - Introduction to Spanish Syntax
  • SPAN:4195 - Spanish Linguistics Lab II
  • SPAN:6040 - Linguistic Structures
  • LING:6050 - Language Universals/Linguistic Typology


  • 2020 James N. Murray Faculty Award
Becky Gonzalez
Contact Information

410 Phillips Hall (PH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States