Luis Martín-Estudillo, Ph.D.
Luis Martín-Estudillo is Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa, specializing in modern and contemporary Spanish cultural and intellectual history and criticism. He has also published broadly on early modern topics and visual culture.
He is Executive Editor of Hispanic Issues and Hispanic Issues Online, and a member of the editorial boards of Arte(s) (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Eutopias (Université de Genève, Universitat de València), among other scholarly publications. He co-directed the literary reviews Ex Libris and Iowa Literaria.
Martín-Estudillo has received the Collegiate Teaching Award, the Dean's Scholar Award, the Collegiate Scholar Award, and three awards from the National Endowment for the Humanities. His scholarship has appeared in journals such as Goya, Hispanic Review, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Ínsula, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Pasajes: Revista de Pensamiento Contemporáneo and Romance Quarterly. His authored and edited books include Libertad y límites (2004), Hispanic Baroques: Reading Cultures in Context (2005), La mirada elíptica (2007), Post-Authoritarian Cultures (2008), New Spain: New Literatures (2010), Filosofía y tiempo final (2011), The Rise of Euroskepticism: Europe and Its Critics in Spanish Culture (2018; inaugural NEH Open Book Award), Despertarse de Europa. Arte, literatura, euroescepticismo (2019) and Goya and the Mystery of Reading (winner of the 2023 Goldberg Prize; also published in Spanish under the title of Goya o el misterio de la lectura).